KS0108 using Assembler Examples ??

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Does anybody have a working example using assembler code to drive a 128x64 KS0108 GLCD. Interested in writing characters and graphics to the display, but most of the examples I have found are using C. Using MicroChip 16F or 18F

Thanks in advance.
I have example code but it is in a very big project. Which part are you struggling with?

Hello, i'm new and i want to drive a 128x64 lcd display in assembler (i have wg12864 lcd)
I'm not able to use correctly enable..
i found documents like the attached one, but i haven't exaustive information about enable...

for example... seeing the attachment i understand that...

1) i have to turn on the lcd (clear RS, RW, DB7, DB6 and set DB5, DB4, DB3, DB2, DB1, DB0)

2) set Y (clear RS, RW, DB7, set DB6 and use DB5, DB4, DB3, DB2, DB1, DB0 to indicate Y)

3) set display start line (clear RS, RW, set DB7, DB6 and use DB5, DB4, DB3, DB2, DB1, DB0 to indicate the start line)

4) set X page (clear RS, RW, DB6, set DB7, DB5, DB4, DB3 and use DB2, DB1, DB0 to indicate X)

5) write data in ram (set RS, clear RW and use DB7, DB6 ... DB0 for data)

Is it correct?
I have to turn on the lcd as first operation or after the write ram process?

I have also to select left o right zone with CS1 and CS2, it's sufficient before writing data in ram?

and what about enable signal???

i'm trying with a 16F886 but i'm not able to control the display.

Thank you!


  • KS0108..JPG
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