L.E.D. Zepelin

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I saw this and thought is was really creative. Look at the feet, they are just solder drops!

Anyone seen any others like this?
Hello there EM,

Yes i have to agree, and very cute too

As for myself i've always been an improver of designs of many types, so my addition to the original idea would be to add a button battery to each and make their little heads light up (ha ha ha). Maybe even blink? Would add to the already cool idea.
I guess if we wanted to get carried away, add a sound detector and have their heads blink to the rhythm of LED Zepplin music

So which one is Robert Plant?
AHA!! Something different to do with the stuff in my unsorted "pieces-parts" drawer .

(Looks like a LOT more fun than actually doing the sorting...).
Radio-Electronics and Popular Electronics used to have similar figures in their pages from time to time. somewhere i saw a picture of a resistor sculpture of a tiger, not quite full size. there were also component manufacturers that used component sculptures on the cover of their catalogs.
I once soldered up a geodesic dome prototype out of 1W resistors... It was in the 80's and I didn't have a CAD program.
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