Language deletion

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Yeah, I saw that too. The quote in the post immediately following it made me question whether the post really was deleted for being non-English, or just because it slagged the forum.

Of course, the post with the quote I am referring to was from AND_ECE, who is the same person as LADY. However, I don't think posts should be deleted just because they badmouth the forum or mods. Especially in AND_ECE's case: everything he posts does his reputation more harm than any amount of censorship could.


EDIT: And also of course, I'm far more willing to trust Nigel's judgment than I am to trust AND_ECE's, so it's perfectly possible that the post in question (with the quote) is simply a red herring.
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EDIT: And also of course, I'm far more willing to trust Nigel's judgment than I am to trust AND_ECE's, so it's perfectly possible that the post in question (with the quote) is simply a red herring.

Sounds a little fishy to me..

G'day Torben,
Dont you ever sleep..
Morning Eric!

Sounds a little fishy to me..

Mmmm. Ever been in the Netherlands when the herring fleets come in? Fresh raw herring out of the cart stuffed with raw onion. . .mmm.

Then again, my mother is Danish so I may have some odd tastes.

G'day Torben,
Dont you ever sleep..

I do, just not always when other people do.

Mmmm. Ever been in the Netherlands when the herring fleets come in? Fresh raw herring out of the cart stuffed with raw onion. . .mmm.

Been to Holland many times, some good friends over there.
I like the 'eel on toast' and the snails. yummie.!
Chips [French fries] with mayonaise.
I like the idea of pming and suggesting translation software.

I agree that non-English posts need to be removed as they can't be moderated.
Yeah, I saw that too. The quote in the post immediately following it made me question whether the post really was deleted for being non-English, or just because it slagged the forum.

Fairly obviously, it was just for the language - or I would have (just as obviously) deleted the quote as well - but I purposely left it alone.

Only English is allowed in these forums, anything else will be deleted.

In the past I was more lenient about such things, but that was before foul language in foreign languages was brought to my attention in a couple of cases - thank you to the members who reported the incidents.
Fairly obviously, it was just for the language - or I would have (just as obviously) deleted the quote as well - but I purposely left it alone.

I'm confused, are you saying that the quote was translated into English?

Deleting non-English posts

somehow German forums are more tolerant concerning language.

You can use any language (Kisuaheli will most likely not be understood). If a forum member understands the post the OP will receive a reply.

Abusive posts do also happen in English and I received a real bad one at electronics-lab the other day. Repeating it here would mean immediate ban, not so at electronics-lab.

Suggestion: If there is a non-English post (question) and somebody answers to it he should post the reply using the foreign language as well as English, so each member understands the problem.

Language problems usually arise from lazyness learning foreign languages. I can speak and write English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish.

(some Russian too)

Na'sdorowje, Cheers, Wohl bekomm's (Prosit or Prost), a votre chante, Sherefe

Electroncis Lab is a rubbish forum, it's only moderated by a bully who only deletes helpful posts and most of the abusive and spam posts remain in place.

This place is not like Electronics Lab, there's no spam and the moderator actually cares. Unfortunately he doesn't speak any other languages than English meaning he can't moderate non-English posts. If we allowed people to post in other languages then this place would turn in to a flame infested spam whole; would you like that?
Deleting non-English posts

Hi Hero,

I fully agree with you. However I just suggested that alternative. Non-English posters might feel like banging the door closed and leave them alone in the pouring rain.

BTW. The number of idiots at Electronics lab is increasing rapidly. Idiots should be castrated right after birth to control overpopulation of these species.

Very impressive, Hans. I only speak English, and with a disgusting American accent, at that. Oh yeah, I do speak one other language...

Ancay ouyay eakspay Igpay Atinlay?
Hi Hero,

I fully agree with you. However I just suggested that alternative. Non-English posters might feel like banging the door closed and leave them alone in the pouring rain.
Sadly I think this is the price we have to pay.

The only alternative I can think of is having other sections in different languages but then we'd need to find moderators who speak different languages.

BTW. The number of idiots at Electronics lab is increasing rapidly. Idiots should be castrated right after birth to control overpopulation of these species.


I agree, next time we ban someone, we should suggest they join electronics lab, that way they might not bother returning under a different account.

The sad thing is it actually used to be a half reasonable site until the bad moderator drove most of the helpful members away.
esyay iay ancay peaksay igpay atinlay

owhay reaay ouyay oingday odaytay

On a more serious note, The number of people that join increases near the end of college and decreases in the summer. That is because of the idiots that want free handouts. More hand (and head?) smacking!
**broken link removed**
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I cringe when people from other countries bash people from the US for not speaking more languages. Unless you have people to converse with learning another language is a waste of time. It makes sense to learn spanish if you live in the south and a few other areas but that is about it. Generations of students in the US have learned German, Spanish, etc and execpt for "expanding the mind" it was a lot of wasted time.

To some degree the internet has started to change that. Along with lower phone rates.

Generations of students in the US have learned German, Spanish, etc and execpt for "expanding the mind" it was a lot of wasted time.

I learned French in high school. Well, I learned how to pass the tests. I graduated and passed but I still could not have ordered a coffee in Paris.

When I learned Finnish as an adult, I learned more about English and about language in general than I ever had before, probably because Finnish is fundamentally different from the Germanic and Romance languages. It also made the act of thinking a whole new ball game, as I find that being able to express a problem in different terms (even if only internally) can sometimes bring one to different solutions which would not have been obvious otherwise.

Hm. Kinda reminds me of the book Babel 17.

Had I not spent several years in Finland, though, there would have been little point in learning another language. In Canada and the US you can often drive for several hours in any direction and not encounter anything but English (although in places like Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver you can encounter huge populations speaking Urdu, Farsi, Mandarin, Tagalog, and other languages). In Europe or Africa, for instance, the same amount of driving can mean passing through several different countries and language regions.

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