Laptop MBD help

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New Member
Hi everyone, I've been hunting around on Google trying to figure out what I need and came across this site, hopefully you guys can help?

I have a friends laptop which she attempted to use on some sort of car charger and now it does not work.

I've opened it up and there is something blown, the thing is I don’t know what the something is. Please look at the attachment and you will see what I'm on about.

Is anyone able to tell me what that is so I can order a replacement.



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A new laptop? There's more than one burned part there, what's on the other side of the board?

Yes, well just over a year old I believe.
I have taken pictures of the other side, please find them attached (Hope they are light enough).


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That side of the board looks relatively okay.
Considering the resistor looks like it's been well nigh vaporized there is no way to determine what it's value was, since it's a multi layer board there could very well be internal shorts. In short, it's not repairable.

Okay, thank you for the help.
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