I came across a circuit which can be used to drive a laser diode in continuous mode (CW) or modulated (<=100Khz).
A BFR540 (NPN) transistor is used to drive the laser diode and a photodiode (inside the laser diode package) provides an output current based on the optical output power, which is used as a feedback to control the optical output power. The latter is set via the potentiometer at the base of the BFT93 (PNP) transistor. Modulation, when needed, is achieved by switching the MOD line between 3.3V and GND.
The circuit is shown in the attachment.
As shown, it works correctly. HOWEVER, when I change the BFT93 (PNP) to any other PNP transistors, the output (laser power) oscillates at high frequency (>1MHz). The reason I'm having to change the BFT93 is that this part is now obsolete and hard to get.
If I increase the value of the capacitor at the base of BFR540 the system becomes stable, but I cannot modulate it at 100 KHz anymore.
I believe that this oscillation will be due to the poles and zeros of the closed loop being inappropriate, but I'm not sure how to find the required information from the circuit.
I would appreciate if anyone could provide any advice/suggestions. I think I gave all the information I can about the circuit and its behavior, but if more information is required please let me know.
NOTE: I have tried replacing the BFT93 with transistors which have the closest parameters (i.e. hfe, Vce, power, etc), but I couldn't find any that matched the frequency (5GHz).