LASER sensing

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New Member
i want to detect a red colored LASER beam at a distance of maximum 300metres in day light and even in dark conditions.

which type of device should be used to detect that LASER beam so that a relay can be operated.

the relay i am using is Solid State Relay(SSR).

please reply soon.
Red is about 655 nm wavelength. So you will need to find a detector that can sense light in that range. Then most likely you will need to have a circuit with an op-amp to amplify the signal and the output from the op-amp will be your relay activation signal. 300 meter is a really long way. Are you doing this on an open field? The best thing to do is use a 1000 feet long fiber. Just give me a little more info and I might be able to help you out.

What's the source of the laser light?
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thanx sir for ur reply.

the source of laser is a device having rotational the laser beem is throwed in all directions..

i cant use fibres..

kindly give my ur e-mail id so that i can provide u more details along with diagrams.

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