Laser Switch

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New Member
Hi All,
I am looking for a circuit that would allow a laser to close a switch. Laser would be just inches from said switch. When beam from Laser is not present the switch opens and sends a wireless signal.
Can someone help with this design?
Is there any other ambient light around? If not it expands your options, such as a LDR (electric eye, aka photocell).
Are you familiar with a photocell? They can be had many places, including Radio Shack. Basically they vary their resistance from a couple of ohms when exposed to light to a couple of megohms when in the dark. Add a variable resistor (pot) in series and they can be used to sense light, the output is a voltage swing. From there you can use a digital IC, 555, or a transistor to switch.

**broken link removed**

CdS Photoresistors (5-Pack) -
Here is a possible schematic of how to use them, you can swap R2 and CDS1 to switch the voltage swing...



  • CSD sensor.GIF
    2.9 KB · Views: 1,109
David Cook at already wrote up a great system, he used 2 LDRs and a comparator, so when you shine the laser at one LDR it is detected.

This is pure genius because it removes any issues of ambient light level AND it also gives you 2 sensors so it can be used for on/off or up/down remote control etc.

See here;
Robot Room: Laser Pointer Remote Control Circuit
I guess I wasn't specific enough, I wasn't talking about power, I was wondering what it's wavelength is, IE what colour is it? I don't think CDS photocells will pick up an IR laser, but I'm not sure. They're very close in spectral responce to the human eye, though I think there is a bit more towards the high end.
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