Lcd alfanumeric

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New Member
I read this tutorial, i make it in real "world" it works, but i don't understand how to control the lcd in special, for example i use a 4X20 lcd so i want to write a character to adress xx how i make this thing? and the hex table i don't know his use...
Have a complete study of the tutorials. Just reading tutorial3 maynot perhaps quench your thurst. There a reference was given to another site for downloading data regarding LCD related issues.
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yes i read completly tutorial 3 but i don't understand, can you give me a part of a code that wil make what i say above? and the use of the hex table???
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The provided Asm does all yours need. For LCD to send charater to a particular address, first send the address commnd with LCD_Cmd, then send character with LCD_char. The LCD Command table show how to setup up an address. Bit 7 must be set to 1 and the remaining bits are the LCD address. General example below.

To put 'A' at adress 00:

Here lies the instructions on how to use them. This is how I started. These very same files are the foundation and the only source of my LCD control wisdom. Now we are on equal grounds. No more reason to ask others. No excuses other than internet disconnection and prevention of downloading files
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