LCD Backlight Color

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New Member
Is there a preference to the color of the LCD display module? I want to pick up and first time practice some coding on a display - 16x2 LCD. Maybe one percent of the displays advertised are without backlight. The rest are either blue, green, or yellow with back lights. Right now i would be using the display in a room with standard incandescent lighting. Hope this does not sound like a silly question. I have one brand name Lipo battery charger, with a monochrome, no back light display. It is very inconvenient to setup and display, since it has no back light. If I am staring at this new 16x2 display. as I get it to work, is there a color that is more agreeable to use when experimenting?

Bill M

The yellow-green are the most common and the cheapest. Because they are the most common, they seem the least interesting.

There is no idea color, it is your personal preference. Myself, I like the white on blue.
Different color LEDs require different voltages. 3v systems may not be able to drive a white or blue LED. 5v system should be able to drive any color.
The blue backlight GLCDs I have here use white LEDs, and a blue filter. It would be simple enough to replace the filter with another colour.
Or better yet, don't put any filter in and use an RGB LED =) Prettttttttttttty Yer already using a bunch of pins for the LCD interface, what's three more for disco lighting =)
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Or better yet, don't put any filter in and use an RGB LED =) Prettttttttttttty Yer already using a bunch of pins for the LCD interface, what's three more for disco lighting =)

That's a cool idea. You could have colour coded menu systems, or bright red "alert" messages that you could see from across a room.
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