LCD backlite flikker....

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New Member
Hi all..

i am quet new to electronics components so i don't know good to apply them or whit wich values

so until now i have soldered a sheme but whitout caps..

and now i hooked up the backlight of my lcd i see that it flickers....

is the solution a capp..???

i'm trying to hookup a 16F877a whit 2 caps and a OSC
is it possible that you burn those small caps..???
or the osc it never worked and i'm now looking forward to using the 16F877a

the big caps are polarized right..?? (the + and - signn..)
are the small ones to..???


I wouldn't have thought so, it sounds like you are refreshing the LCD too often, and seeing the resultant flicker - try updating the display less often.

No, little ones aren't polarized.


That's true...

i refresh it very often...
i refresh it at the same time that a led flickers.. but when i turn of the backlite i don't see it flicker.. but maybe the light switcehs on and off..when i refreh..

Dont refresh the entire 2 row of LCD just to change a few characters.
Just go to that lcd address and change that character.

yeah ok..

but when i press a button i see other things

soow don't know if that would improve..the sityuation qua speed


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