LCD connections using ribbon cable

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Well-Known Member
have a simple project using an LCD controlled by a pic. Using a 2x5 pin IDC connector and 6 inches of ribbon cable.
My problem is the LCD dosen't want to display data, just squares.
Using a 2 x 16 LCD display. Curious if there are connection criteria concerning EMF between the ribbon cable conductors.
Have checked all connections as well as making sure the RW on the display is grounded.
No, you've either connected it wrongly or aren't driving it correctly.

The squares is what you get when it's not initialised.
Did you connect Pin 3 of the LCD to the wiper of 10k potentiometer (other pins of pot should be ground and 5v). The pot will set contrast.
for some reason it now works as planed. I think I had a bad LCD module.
I assembled another board and now have two working boards w/ LCDs.
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