LCD display pic16F628A

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New Member
Can someone direct me to or write the code for this chip.I need nine message to be display when need to be.LCD is 2x16 HD44780 compatible.I wanted to add a LCD display to my project.

Thanks for reading and any help in advance.

LCD & 16f628A

Well I am new to mcu and surely new to programming them.I was looking at ccs compiler to try and figure this out.

I have my LED connected to my mcu but am using a multiplexer for the input signals.I was wanting a total of 9 messages plus a message when there was no inputs but could not find out what mcu I would need to go with LCD display without using a multiplexer so with what i have read and what people have told me this was the easier way to do it.If you have any better way to do this please let me know buying a mcu with more I/O pins is no big thing.Its just trying to learn how to write the program that has be stopped in my tracks.

As it is now I am using a PIC16F628A an 74LS151N to send signal to LCD screen which I was told use HD44780 compatiable and its 16x2.

You can interface a 16x2 LCD to a PIC16F628A using just 6 pins of the uc. Then you will have 10 more digital I/O pins to work with. If you want to display different messages on the same LCD for different input conditions, I don't think you need an multiplexer like 74LS151. . For compiler, You can download the demo version of mikroC from mikroelectronika website.
- Raj
Experiments with PIC16F628A
Can someone direct me to or write the code for this chip.I need nine message to be display when need to be.LCD is 2x16 HD44780 compatible.I wanted to add a LCD display to my project.

Thanks for reading and any help in advance.


Hi Tim,
Here is a link to the CCS forums code repository LCD driver. If you use the CCS compiler, then you really should join their forums - it is one of the best I've seen:
CCS :: View topic - Flexible LCD driver
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