LCD interfacing with PIC16f877

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hi all, i m trying to display some text on LCD using pic16f877 but unable to get that.......... only backlight turns on in LCD.
text is displayed on LCD when i m chcking pic on demo board but its not working on my board. circuit diagram i have made ia as follows:
pin 1 of pic to rset button
8 MHz crystal with 22pf cap on 13 n 14 pin
12 n 31 pin ground
11 n 32 pin to +5 V
pin 27 t0 30 connected to pin 11 to 14 pf LCD respectively
pin 21 to pin 4 of LCD
pin 22 to pin 6 of LCD
lcd pins 1,5,7,8,9 n 10 are grounded
pin 2 of LCD connected to +5 V
n pin 3 to variable rheostat of 4k7
m unable to get the prob.
plzzz help
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You say that pin #1, /MCLR is connected to the RESET PB, what else do you have connected to pin #1,
is it open circuit if the PB is not operated? [it should go to +5V via a 10K0, with say a 10nF to 0V]

Is it possible to post a listing of your program? Including the _CONFIG statement.

Is your demo board also using a 8MHz xtal, as you are not using the R/W line on the LCD, the program delays may not be long enough.

Its just possible that the crystal osc is not working, can you add a couple of lines to your program,
say set a port pin/high [with a delay interval] to drive a simple R/LED as an indicator that the prog is running?
Maybe this will help?

**broken link removed**

Note that the PIC's power supply/OSC aren’t shown, your core power/OSC circuit should look a little like this (this is a generic piccy I threw together recently - if you could improve on it then please let me know)

**broken link removed**
thanx u bith 4 ur concern
well i hav conncted reset button through pull up resistance of 9.7k n it is at +5v when reset button is not pressed.
n my demo kit is also using 8MHz crystal
my code is in mikro is as follows for starting purpose:

char *text = "mikroElektronika";

void main() {
LCD_Init(&PORTD); // Initialize LCD connected to PORTB

LCD_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
LCD_Cmd(LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Turn cursor off
LCD_Out(1,1, text); // Print text to LCD, 2nd row, 1st column
can give u hex code if needed
ya u r rite i think dere is some prob in crystsl as i m getting a sine wave from crystal instead of a square wave.

>>> ya u r rite i think dere is some prob in crystsl as i m getting a sine wave from crystal instead of a square wave
If you are measuring the crystal oscillation on one of the crystal wires, using a scope, you will see a sinewave not a square wave.

If you can post your hex code, I will run it thru my PIC test rig, I dont use your version of the Basic compiler.
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Do you need to insert an Lcd_Config command? I can't tell from your pin descriptions. Can you post a diagram or a list such as,

En - D0
RS - D1

I don't do pin numbers.

my connction are as follows:
vdd +5v
vee 4k7 reostat
rs RD2
rw gnd
e RD3
d0 gnd
d1 gnd
d2 gnd
d3 gnd
d4 rd4
d5 RD5
d6 RD6
d7 RD7
i have asm file of my prog. to display on LCD that i m coping here n i tried to glow the led but its also not working
; ----------------------------------------------
$0000 $2907 GOTO _main
$0004 $ _Delay_1us:
$0004 $0000 NOP
$0005 $0000 NOP
$0006 $0008 RETURN
$0007 $ _Delay_5500us:
$0007 $300F MOVLW 15
$0008 $1303 BCF STATUS, RP1
$0009 $1283 BCF STATUS, RP0
$000A $00FB MOVWF STACK_11
$000B $30FF MOVLW 255
$000C $00FA MOVWF STACK_10
$000E $2810 GOTO $+2
$000F $2813 GOTO $+4
$0010 $0BFA DECFSZ STACK_10, F
$0011 $2810 GOTO $-1
$0012 $280D GOTO $-5
$0013 $303E MOVLW 62
$0014 $00FA MOVWF STACK_10
$0015 $0BFA DECFSZ STACK_10, F
$0016 $2815 GOTO $-1
$0017 $0000 NOP
$0018 $0008 RETURN
$0019 $ _Delay_50us:
$0019 $3021 MOVLW 33
$001A $1303 BCF STATUS, RP1
$001B $1283 BCF STATUS, RP0
$001C $00FA MOVWF STACK_10
$001E $281D GOTO $-1
$001F $0008 RETURN
$0020 $ _Lcd_Cmd:
$0020 $1303 BCF STATUS, RP1
$0021 $1283 BCF STATUS, RP0
$0022 $0820 MOVF LCD_port_address, 0
$0023 $0084 MOVWF FSR
$0024 $0840 MOVF FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 0
$0025 $1903 BTFSC STATUS, Z
$0026 $2827 GOTO L_Lcd_Cmd_0
$0027 $ L_Lcd_Cmd_0:
$0027 $0180 CLRF INDF
$0028 $1BC0 BTFSC FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 7
$0029 $1780 BSF INDF, ___DB7
$002A $1B40 BTFSC FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 6
$002B $1700 BSF INDF, ___DB6
$002C $1AC0 BTFSC FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 5
$002D $1680 BSF INDF, ___DB5
$002E $1A40 BTFSC FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 4
$002F $1600 BSF INDF, ___DB4
$0030 $0821 MOVF LCD_cmd_status, 0
$0031 $1903 BTFSC STATUS, Z
$0032 $2835 GOTO L_Lcd_Cmd_1
$0033 $1100 BCF INDF, ___RS
$0034 $2836 GOTO L_Lcd_Cmd_2
$0035 $ L_Lcd_Cmd_1:
$0035 $1500 BSF INDF, ___RS
$0036 $ L_Lcd_Cmd_2:
$0036 $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0037 $2004 CALL _Delay_1us
$0038 $0840 MOVF FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 0
$0039 $1903 BTFSC STATUS, Z
$003A $283B GOTO L_Lcd_Cmd_3
$003B $ L_Lcd_Cmd_3:
$003B $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$003C $0180 CLRF INDF
$003D $19C0 BTFSC FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 3
$003E $1780 BSF INDF, ___DB7
$003F $1940 BTFSC FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 2
$0040 $1700 BSF INDF, ___DB6
$0041 $18C0 BTFSC FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 1
$0042 $1680 BSF INDF, ___DB5
$0043 $1840 BTFSC FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0, 0
$0044 $1600 BSF INDF, ___DB4
$0045 $0821 MOVF LCD_cmd_status, 0
$0046 $1903 BTFSC STATUS, Z
$0047 $284A GOTO L_Lcd_Cmd_4
$0048 $1100 BCF INDF, ___RS
$0049 $284B GOTO L_Lcd_Cmd_5
$004A $ L_Lcd_Cmd_4:
$004A $1500 BSF INDF, ___RS
$004B $ L_Lcd_Cmd_5:
$004B $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$004C $2004 CALL _Delay_1us
$004D $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$004E $0821 MOVF LCD_cmd_status, 0
$004F $1903 BTFSC STATUS, Z
$0050 $2853 GOTO L_Lcd_Cmd_6
$0051 $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$0052 $2854 GOTO L_Lcd_Cmd_7
$0053 $ L_Lcd_Cmd_6:
$0053 $2019 CALL _Delay_50us
$0054 $ L_Lcd_Cmd_7:
$0054 $0008 RETURN
$0055 $ _Lcd_Chr_CP:
$0055 $1303 BCF STATUS, RP1
$0056 $1283 BCF STATUS, RP0
$0057 $01A1 CLRF LCD_cmd_status, 1
$0058 $083F MOVF FARG_Lcd_Chr_CP+0, 0
$0059 $00C0 MOVWF FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0
$005A $2020 CALL _Lcd_Cmd
$005B $3001 MOVLW 1
$005C $00A1 MOVWF LCD_cmd_status
$005D $0008 RETURN
$005E $ _Lcd_Init:
$005E $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$005F $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$0060 $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$0061 $083B MOVF FARG_Lcd_Init+0, 0
$0062 $00A0 MOVWF LCD_port_address
$0063 $083B MOVF FARG_Lcd_Init+0, 0
$0064 $0084 MOVWF FSR
$0065 $0180 CLRF INDF, 1
$0066 $1784 BSF FSR, 7
$0067 $0180 CLRF INDF
$0068 $1384 BCF FSR, 7
$0069 $1680 BSF INDF, ___DB5
$006A $1600 BSF INDF, ___DB4
$006B $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$006C $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$006D $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$006E $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$006F $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0070 $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$0071 $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0072 $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0073 $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$0074 $1680 BSF INDF, ___DB5
$0075 $1200 BCF INDF, ___DB4
$0076 $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0077 $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0078 $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$0079 $0180 CLRF INDF
$007A $1680 BSF INDF, ___DB5
$007B $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$007C $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$007D $0180 CLRF INDF
$007E $1780 BSF INDF, ___DB7
$007F $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0080 $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0081 $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$0082 $0180 CLRF INDF
$0083 $1600 BSF INDF, ___DB4
$0084 $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0085 $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0086 $0180 CLRF INDF
$0087 $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0088 $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0089 $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$008A $0180 CLRF INDF
$008B $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$008C $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$008D $1600 BSF INDF, ___DB4
$008E $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$008F $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0090 $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$0091 $0180 CLRF INDF
$0092 $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0093 $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0094 $1600 BSF INDF, ___DB4
$0095 $1680 BSF INDF, ___DB5
$0096 $1700 BSF INDF, ___DB6
$0097 $1780 BSF INDF, ___DB7
$0098 $1580 BSF INDF, ___ENABLE
$0099 $1180 BCF INDF, ___ENABLE
$009A $2007 CALL _Delay_5500us
$009B $3001 MOVLW 1
$009C $00A1 MOVWF LCD_cmd_status
$009D $0008 RETURN
$009E $ _LCD_Out:
$009E $28B0 GOTO L_LCD_Out_17
$009F $ L_LCD_Out_19:
$009F $3080 MOVLW 128
$00A0 $1303 BCF STATUS, RP1
$00A1 $1283 BCF STATUS, RP0
$00A2 $00BB MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+0
$00A3 $28C3 GOTO L_LCD_Out_18
$00A4 $ L_LCD_Out_20:
$00A4 $30C0 MOVLW 192
$00A5 $00BB MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+0
$00A6 $28C3 GOTO L_LCD_Out_18
$00A7 $ L_LCD_Out_21:
$00A7 $3094 MOVLW 148
$00A8 $00BB MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+0
$00A9 $28C3 GOTO L_LCD_Out_18
$00AA $ L_LCD_Out_22:
$00AA $30D4 MOVLW 212
$00AC $28C3 GOTO L_LCD_Out_18
$00AD $ L_LCD_Out_23:
$00AD $3080 MOVLW 128
$00AF $28C3 GOTO L_LCD_Out_18
$00B0 $ L_LCD_Out_17:
$00B0 $1303 BCF STATUS, RP1
$00B1 $1283 BCF STATUS, RP0
$00B2 $083B MOVF FARG_LCD_Out+0, 0
$00B3 $3A01 XORLW 1
$00B4 $1903 BTFSC STATUS, Z
$00B5 $289F GOTO L_LCD_Out_19
$00B6 $083B MOVF FARG_LCD_Out+0, 0
$00B7 $3A02 XORLW 2
$00B8 $1903 BTFSC STATUS, Z
$00B9 $28A4 GOTO L_LCD_Out_20
$00BA $083B MOVF FARG_LCD_Out+0, 0
$00BB $3A03 XORLW 3
$00BD $28A7 GOTO L_LCD_Out_21
$00BE $083B MOVF FARG_LCD_Out+0, 0
$00BF $3A04 XORLW 4
$00C0 $1903 BTFSC STATUS, Z
$00C1 $28AA GOTO L_LCD_Out_22
$00C2 $28AD GOTO L_LCD_Out_23
$00C3 $ L_LCD_Out_18:
$00C3 $033C DECF FARG_LCD_Out+1, 0
$00C4 $00F0 MOVWF STACK_0
$00C5 $083B MOVF FARG_LCD_Out+0, 0
$00C6 $07F0 ADDWF STACK_0, 1
$00C7 $0870 MOVF STACK_0, 0
$00C8 $00BB MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+0
$00C9 $0870 MOVF STACK_0, 0
$00CA $00C0 MOVWF FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0
$00CB $2020 CALL _Lcd_Cmd
$00CC $01A1 CLRF LCD_cmd_status, 1
$00CD $01BE CLRF LCD_Out_i_L0, 1
$00CE $ L_LCD_Out_24:
$00CE $083E MOVF LCD_Out_i_L0, 0
$00CF $073D ADDWF FARG_LCD_Out+2, 0
$00D0 $0084 MOVWF FSR
$00D1 $0800 MOVF INDF, 0
$00D2 $00F0 MOVWF STACK_0
$00D3 $0870 MOVF STACK_0, 0
$00D4 $1903 BTFSC STATUS, Z
$00D5 $28DE GOTO L_LCD_Out_25
$00D6 $083E MOVF LCD_Out_i_L0, 0
$00D7 $073D ADDWF FARG_LCD_Out+2, 0
$00D8 $0084 MOVWF FSR
$00D9 $0800 MOVF INDF, 0
$00DA $00BF MOVWF FARG_Lcd_Chr_CP+0
$00DB $2055 CALL _Lcd_Chr_CP
$00DC $0ABE INCF LCD_Out_i_L0, 1
$00DD $28CE GOTO L_LCD_Out_24
$00DE $ L_LCD_Out_25:
$00DE $3001 MOVLW 1
$00DF $00A1 MOVWF LCD_cmd_status
$00E0 $0008 RETURN
$00E1 $ GlobalInilcd11:
$00E1 $306D MOVLW 109
$00E2 $1303 BCF STATUS, RP1
$00E3 $1283 BCF STATUS, RP0
$00E4 $00A2 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+0
$00E5 $3069 MOVLW 105
$00E6 $00A3 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+1
$00E7 $306B MOVLW 107
$00E8 $00A4 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+2
$00E9 $3072 MOVLW 114
$00EA $00A5 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+3
$00EB $306F MOVLW 111
$00EC $00A6 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+4
$00ED $3045 MOVLW 69
$00EE $00A7 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+5
$00EF $306C MOVLW 108
$00F0 $00A8 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+6
$00F1 $3065 MOVLW 101
$00F2 $00A9 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+7
$00F3 $306B MOVLW 107
$00F4 $00AA MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+8
$00F5 $3074 MOVLW 116
$00F6 $00AB MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+9
$00F7 $3072 MOVLW 114
$00F8 $00AC MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+10
$00F9 $306F MOVLW 111
$00FA $00AD MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+11
$00FB $306E MOVLW 110
$00FC $00AE MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+12
$00FD $3069 MOVLW 105
$00FE $00AF MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+13
$00FF $306B MOVLW 107
$0100 $00B0 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+14
$0101 $3061 MOVLW 97
$0102 $00B1 MOVWF lstr1_lcd11+15
$0103 $01B2 CLRF lstr1_lcd11+16
$0104 $3022 MOVLW lstr1_lcd11
$0105 $00B3 MOVWF _text+0
$0106 $0008 RETURN
$0107 $ _main:
$0107 $20E1 CALL GlobalInilcd11
$0108 $306D MOVLW 109
$0109 $00B4 MOVWF lstr2_lcd11+0
$010A $3069 MOVLW 105
$010B $00B5 MOVWF lstr2_lcd11+1
$010C $306B MOVLW 107
$010D $00B6 MOVWF lstr2_lcd11+2
$010E $3072 MOVLW 114
$010F $00B7 MOVWF lstr2_lcd11+3
$0110 $306F MOVLW 111
$0111 $00B8 MOVWF lstr2_lcd11+4
$0112 $3045 MOVLW 69
$0113 $00B9 MOVWF lstr2_lcd11+5
$0114 $01BA CLRF lstr2_lcd11+6
;lcd11.c,3 :: void main() {
;lcd11.c,4 :: LCD_Init(&PORTD); // Initialize LCD connected to PORTB
$0115 $3008 MOVLW PORTD
$0116 $00BB MOVWF FARG_Lcd_Init+0
$0117 $205E CALL _Lcd_Init
;lcd11.c,6 :: LCD_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
$0118 $3001 MOVLW 1
$0119 $00C0 MOVWF FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0
$011A $2020 CALL _Lcd_Cmd
;lcd11.c,7 :: LCD_Cmd(LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Turn cursor off
$011B $300C MOVLW 12
$011C $00C0 MOVWF FARG_Lcd_Cmd+0
$011D $2020 CALL _Lcd_Cmd
;lcd11.c,8 :: LCD_Out(1,1, text); // Print text to LCD, 2nd row, 1st column
$011E $3001 MOVLW 1
$011F $00BB MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+0
$0120 $3001 MOVLW 1
$0121 $00BC MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+1
$0122 $0833 MOVF _text, 0
$0123 $00BD MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+2
$0124 $209E CALL _LCD_Out
;lcd11.c,9 :: Delay_ms(1000);
$0125 $300B MOVLW 11
$0126 $00FC MOVWF STACK_12
$0127 $30FF MOVLW 255
$0128 $00FB MOVWF STACK_11
$0129 $30FF MOVLW 255
$012A $00FA MOVWF STACK_10
$012C $292E GOTO $+2
$012D $2935 GOTO $+8
$012F $2931 GOTO $+2
$0130 $2934 GOTO $+4
$0131 $0BFA DECFSZ STACK_10, F
$0132 $2931 GOTO $-1
$0133 $292E GOTO $-5
$0134 $292B GOTO $-9
$0135 $3033 MOVLW 51
$0136 $00FB MOVWF STACK_11
$0137 $30FF MOVLW 255
$0138 $00FA MOVWF STACK_10
$0139 $0BFB DECFSZ STACK_11, F
$013A $293C GOTO $+2
$013B $293F GOTO $+4
$013D $293C GOTO $-1
$013E $2939 GOTO $-5
$013F $3088 MOVLW 136
$0140 $00FA MOVWF STACK_10
$0141 $0BFA DECFSZ STACK_10, F
$0142 $2941 GOTO $-1
$0143 $0000 NOP
$0144 $0000 NOP
;lcd11.c,10 :: LCD_Out(2,6,"mikroE");
$0145 $3002 MOVLW 2
$0146 $00BB MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+0
$0147 $3006 MOVLW 6
$0148 $00BC MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+1
$0149 $3034 MOVLW lstr2_lcd11
$014A $00BD MOVWF FARG_LCD_Out+2
$014B $209E CALL _LCD_Out
;lcd11.c,11 :: }
$014C $294C GOTO $
The listing you have posted is the 'LST' output from the compiler. In order to
compile and run it I would have to 'strip' out all the hex components.
Also it dosnt show any CONFIG or EQU information.

Do you have just the full assembler listing?
i think this is the hex cord u r talking abt:
I guess your program works as intended, can you link the mikroBasic source code?


  • lcd_out.JPG
    38.2 KB · Views: 1,141
Did you fill in the clock frequency before compiling the code?
It seems like the LCD doesn't initialize properly. You can try to add a small delay, like this:
void main() {

   Delay_ms(20);   // <<<<<
   LCD_Init(&PORTD); // Initialize LCD connected to PORTD

   LCD_Cmd(LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
   LCD_Cmd(LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Turn cursor off

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Have run your hex code thru my PIC sim, it does flash the LED's, once, then it goes into a loop.

Was this assembler coding produced by "mikroElektronika basic.?

Why is it writing each LCD character to a specified LCD location, rather than initialising for auto right shift. ?

Do you have MPLAB V7 on your PC and can you use it?.

If so, I would recommend that you download working examples of LCD coding.

If the LCD R/W line isnt being controlled, connect it to 0v, that is WRITE mode, if its left 'open' it can cause problems.
ericgibbs said:
If the LCD R/W line isnt being controlled, connect it to 0v, that is WRITE mode, if its left 'open' it can cause problems.

I guess that was targeted at me I was referring to the data lines, not R/W. As shown in the circuit diagram provided in the post

>>gramo, I guess that was targeted at me

No way!, I just thought the OP may mis-understand.
I follow your responses with genuine interest.
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