The three signals work just as in the diagram, but remember that RS (Register Select) will determine whether what is read or written is a register or data.
No, I had to find out how we send data to the LCD So i looked at the datasheet But I do not understand what should I do if I want to send one byte data to LCD
Table can help me to understand read and write operation 16*2 LCD
No, I had to find out how we send data to the LCD So i looked at the datasheet But I do not understand what should I do if I want to send one byte data to LCD
I think you need a little better understanding of what sending a byte of data to the controller means. The Table on page 6, which I referenced, explains it - but you may not know enough background to understand that.
Two papers were suggested in a previous post: They are linked below. Reading through those may help.
so I this is sequence to write command or data to lcd
/*LCD 8 bit example
rs => Register Select [Command : Data]
0 => Command
1 => Data Set RS high for Data.
rw => Read/Write [Write : Read]
0 => Write
1 => Read
en => Enable signal [High to Low]