LCD SPI projects.

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hi C,
I get a page read error when clicking your link.
Have you a specific project in mind.?
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hi C,
I get a page read error when clicking your link.
Have you a specific project in mind.?
Hi E,
I have lots of ideas, but to put some sense to it, first I would like to make a test PCB to test some modules.
Here are 3x PDFs for GPS, Barometer and Compass:
The actual modules may change, but they will all be SPI.

NOTE: After reading the Barometer PDF, I found that they need special care, handling, soldering and cleanliness. I had to order for some special solder paste too.
EDIT: I've just ordered some of these


  • NEO-M8 GPS.pdf
    909.6 KB · Views: 321
  • Barometric sensor.pdf
    434.1 KB · Views: 325
  • Digital compass SPI LSM303D.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 289
  • NEO-8 APM.jpg
    237 KB · Views: 288
  • Barometer module BMP280.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 318
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NOTE: After reading the Barometer PDF, I found that they need special care, handling, soldering and cleanliness. I had to order for some special solder paste too.

Why not buy the sensor ready mounted on a breakout board? - there are plenty of such items easily available at low cost, usually aimed at Arduino users, plus lot's of example projects (using 5110 LCD's), again aimed at Arduino users - YouTube is a good place to look.
Hi N,
I went to a lecture about balloon tracking, then watched and tracked a balloon (, where I saw tiny lightweight circuits, which I aspire to be able to make.
Hi N,
I had a rethink! As the GPS modules prefer to be away from the circuit, I'll add a socket to the board.
I'll also add one for the Compass, as it may be better for placement.
Hi E,
I've just updated #4 as I've ordered some modules.

Barometer sensor: I'm making a circuit with the earlier surface mount sensor, but I've just ordered some more already mounted on boards BMP280.

GPS modules: I've ordered some GPS modules NEO-8M, and they come on boards too (Including voltage regulator antenna etc) . They appear to be RX TX operated, but I'm sure SPI can be used if wired appropriately.
I am changing PICs fro 18LF2520 to 18LF4520, because while redrawing the Schematic I realise that I will have to start again if I run out of PINs.

NOTE: from now on all of the PIN outs will be different from above examples!
I am changing PICs fro 18LF2520 to 18LF4520, because while redrawing the Schematic I realise that I will have to start again if I run out of PINs.

NOTE: from now on all of the PIN outs will be different from above examples!

Interesting, I've ordered some 18F26K22's, rather than the 46K22's because the 26 is smaller

I don't really find 24 I/O pins particularly limiting, and the 40 pin devices just seem rather large?.
Hi N,
Size was the reason I wanted to use 5110 LCDs, and I realise the 18F4520 is a bit big, so I tried surface mount 18LF4520, which is 3.3v and if I'm correct, is less than 15mm square and flatish.
Hi N,
Size was the reason I wanted to use 5110 LCDs, and I realise the 18F4520 is a bit big, so I tried surface mount 18LF4520, which is 3.3v and if I'm correct, is less than 15mm square and flatish.

Yes, SM versions are (or can be) nice and small - but don't fit too well on Veroboard

Incidentally, a 28 pin skinny DIP PIC will fit underneath a 5110, so is plenty small enough.
Here's a schematic of a prototype PCB.
Any comments, corrections please.
EDIT: Updated 011117


  • SCH.gif
    42 KB · Views: 299
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I've not seen those specific ones, but I have seen similar - but they don't give you 'skinny DIP' anyway, which is one reason for choosing the chips that size. I have used similar 8 pin adaptors to convert memory chips.

BTW, my 18F's have arrived, I've stuck one in my new board, connected my new TFT board to it, inserted a 240x320 TFT and loaded the TFT demo I'd got (and configured to suit my TFT board). It worked first time

If I can get some sort of decent recording, I'll stick a video up.
I have just received my 2.2 inch colour SPI ILI9225 TFTs, my initial reaction is considering using Oshonsoft basic will be a non starter.
May have to familiarise my self with the programming by using Arduino libs and demo's before attempting the Basic.


I really think porting Arduino libraries is the way to go, there's just so much Arduino stuff out there.

The most popular Arduino graphics library is the Ada_Fruit one, who also provide various libraries to interface to different graphics modules (but not this one?).

This is the library I found, while I'm still waiting for mine to arrive:
Unable to get a correct compile, used the direct method for the lib. Downloaded the zip from Nigel Goodwin post , ie: git hub
***Direct Install:***
* Click the **Download ZIP** button on the right to download ****
* Extract the ZIP file to the library folder your *arduinosketchfolder*/libraries/ folder. You may need to create the libraries subfolder if it's your first library.
* Rename the uncompressed folder from **TFT_22_ILI9225-master** to **TFT_22_ILI9225**
* Restart the Arduino IDE

This is the error msg in Arduino

Tried a number of times.

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