LCD user defined characters ??

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I tried hard before posting this thread. I'm looking for sort of LCD User defined characters similar to the attached schematics. I tried to manipulate Nigel's LCD tutorial, but not succeed to get more than what specified in HD44780 predefined characters. Is it possible to do or not. Thanks


  • Lcd Char.JPG
    29.3 KB · Views: 246
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To write to the user defined characters you have to send command 0x40+(character address) followed by 8 data bytes.
So, sending command 0x50 (0x40+2*8) and then sending data 0x0e,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x0e,0x00,0x00 will result in character 2 being defined as a lower case o at the top of the character so it becomes ° and you can do 27° etc.

I wish they would get rid of the http:// from the box you enter a URL into. Nobody types it, everyone pastes it.


Edit, the doubly annoying thing is it removes the second colon and so when you do notice it still doesn't work.
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I wish they would get rid of the http:// from the box you enter a URL into. Nobody types it, everyone pastes it.


Edit, the doubly annoying thing is it removes the second colon and so when you do notice it still doesn't work.
Aarrgghh!! Did it again. The http:// is usually highlighted, so you just paste and it overwrites, but occasionally I click something wrong and it gets left. Can't edit my message (another huge hate I have for this new forum software), so **broken link removed**.
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Yes, four more useless post due to the new software settings.

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