LCF meter 3310LCD

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Please have a look at the schematics of an lcf meter. It is based on ATMEGA8. I just want to know how to set fuse bits for this project.
I am using "PONYPROG 2000" And ISP serial programmer. The project came from this site.(iranian web page in persian)Digital LC Meter + Frequence Counter


  • lcf_meter_schematic.png
    75.4 KB · Views: 4,352
Thanks a lot all of you. Mvs sarma thanks for figuring out the fuse bits.
But the project still not working. May be their is some mistake in schematics. I am trying to figure out.
I guess there are some different Nokia 3310 Display in trade.
So you'll find the right one for this project.
Try to ask the builder of this device, whitch one is the rigt display.

i must make this experience myself, while building the Midi Datalogger.
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