LDR Crcuit on Copper Breadboard

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New Member
Hi can any 1 tell me or show me how to make an LDR circuit on a copper strip breadboard so that the LED lights when the lDR is in darkness thanks. The power supply is from a 9v battery.
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here is a schematic

assuming you can read a schematic?
if not then maybe I can draw with boxes etc.
the schematic has a potentiometer in place of the LDR. not a big deal.


  • ldr circuit.PNG
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I can read that drawing but im still not sure how they would all be placed on the copper matrix board. I have drawn a schematic and in mine I have got 3 resistors the LDR an LED and an npn transistor just not sure where to place them all on the matrix board**broken link removed** that image is the type of board i am talking about exept black strips are copper.
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hey,u have to make series and parallel connections with wires on the copper breadboard....check the connections on the schematic and make them ditto on the board..simple.
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this should help

just cut traces where they are not needed


  • strip board.PNG
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