Lead-acid battery charger

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I have got a Float charger for sealed lead acid batteries for 2Amp. This is for 12v and 6v. And it has a trimmer for adjusting the correct voltage. Can you tell me which is the correct charging voltage for 6v open lead acid batteries?
Thank you,


I had become interested in pulse charging a while back too, and read up
on some of the desulfators. I built one with a microchip and high current
MOSFET, and did some testing. I used a pulse of 10us to keep the
battery from being charged while it was being 'desulfated'.
After about a few weeks i gave up. I could get the cell to respond a
little better after a day or two of running, but not enough to say that
there was a huge difference. For a 4 Ahr cell the best i could get back
was a 1 Ahr rating, which is only 1/4 of its original capacity.
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