The bigger question is, what are the realistic gains any one may get for having used one of your devices?
REason being, Pretty much everyone who is into electronics has tried to build a better desulfator/cell regenerator in order to squeeze more life out of old batteries only to never come up with any substantial predictable and reliable gains for it in real life working condition applications.
Believe me, after you have walked more than few miles more than just a few times or had to bum a jumpstart off a stranger, because you were sure that battery you regenerated was good now only to have it die out in the middle of nowhere or at the least convenient time and place, you really give up the the thought that you save yourself anything at all long term.
Of every battery I have messed with that went bad the vast majority were not dead because of sulfation but rather internal irreparable physical damage of one one sort or another and the sulfation was a secondary effect of that damage, not the primary point cause of their failure.