LED calculators

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After answering yet another question on LEDs, (This one), I had a look at what is online.

The totally rubbish calculator that came up in all the online searches a few years ago, **broken link removed** has now vanished, but the algorithm behind it is back, with it's own domain, cookies, advertisements, a really long disclaimer and pretty pictures that are of little use.

Having seen that, I've updated mine to be a bit nicer to look at, and it's here. The one on this site is technically very good but it doesn't seem to me to be easy to use.

I suppose this is just a rant about how pretty pictures draw more clicks than stuff that works.
Wow 1Ω current limiting resistors. Why does that page even bother with any resistor.
I see what you are saying, pretty pictures do seem to win over functionality.

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