LED christmas lights wiring config ?

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New Member
Hi, so I have a string of multicoloured LED christmas lights. The only problem is, they have 5 wires! I _think_ there is 4 colours, so 1 wire for each colour, + 1 common that runs along the whole string. i have hooked up a power supply, and have managed to find the + and - of the RED LED's, but I cant think how to wire the rest, after trying multiple combinations.

Any idea's?

Thats what I am not sure of. i have found 1 wire that bypasses the first 4 lights, but I cant figure out if its cathode or anode, they go all over the place. I'll have a look tommorow, bed time for now.
Is each led only one colour or do they individually change/fade? Multi color LEDS are usually four lead devices. Why you have 5 should make you stop dead and figure out what's going on, cause it sounds like there might be some kind of built in driver circuitry in the background here you'll have to take into acount. Pictures would help =) I'm a big fan of digital cameras for random questions like this cause we really have no idea what you have on your hands.
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