led display with delay

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New Member

I want to make an elctronic display using leds for displaying my shop name ....for ex..CAMERA SCAN.

I want the letters arranged using red,green and blue leds for each letter.

When first letter blinks red the second shud be blue ,third green,fourth combination of red and blue....so on.....at a single time.After a delay again the process shud start wuth the first letter with a different colour and so on..

please some one inform as to which led swith rating shud be used for a good brightness..

I want to do it with PIC microcontroller 16f877

I have doubts regarding driving the output from a single pic o/p to lit a no: of leds for ex...about 400 leds from a single o/p.....
is it possible....?

what drivers shud i use ...?

Suppose I am using a dmux to get the required combination of outputs...according to the inputs from pic den

how shud i drive a single o/p from dmux to lit about 400 -500 leds.from a single channel.

please some one help if you have understood my problem.....as I am a beginner to this..
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