LED(Dot matrix) Calender using DS1307.

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Hi guys. Good day.. Pls does anyone have an idea on how to go about a code that will display a calender in the form shown below. My main concern is on how to display not reading from the the DS1307


  • Calender.jpg
    33.2 KB · Views: 654
Do you understand the I2C protocol and how to choose the rest of the hardware and software, if not search for a DIY project.
If you look at my tutorials... Several have 7 seg and 8x8 LED driving routines ( link in my signature )

The DS1307 spits out day information so it should be a doddle...
Tony Stewart i do. I know how to read and write using i2c protocol. Am done with the 7 segment clock My main Challenge is the display. Ian Rogers, i checked the tutorial what was there was more of scrolable but i want a static effect on the calendar. I am done with the clock. My problem is the static calender. And too i noticed the code was on MPLAB. Pls Can u help me with a related mikroc code to make the adjustment. if possible linking it with the code on this website https://embedded-lab.com/blog/?p=4717 The picture below shows my progress so far


  • progress.pdf
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I also did a 32x16 led display that runs pretty smoothly... It is driven in the same way as a LCD screen..

But I used 74LS323 shift registers....

The screen gets dimmer the more LED's you have... As the end result will theoretically have two screens it should work okay..

Moving to MikroC isn't a big deal.... I have XC8 compiler and MikroC for pic32's so I should be able to help!!

I use interrupts to drive the screen, that's why I have a flicker free display... There is a "off screen" display that I can flip...
As you display in 7 segment same is to be done in matrix , in this you will be using shift register to display it on leds
data transfer. and scanning rows from port, use loop
The usual is to create either a lookup table in assembler or an array in c or high level code, this defines the bit patterns for the displayed character, then you scan through the display, if you doing it verticaly you'd be showing 1/5 of a character at a time if they were 5 x 8's.
There are probably examples of scrolling displays on the net, its not complex, but it is processor intensive.

The code You need a font and both animation files.... I have included them at the end..
#define _XTAL_FREQ 20000000L       // 20 meg crsytal
__CONFIG(0x3F72);             // HS on,  WDT off, BOR on, PWRTon..

char displayPointer=0;           // for interrupt use...
extern const char  fnt[];         // Font in external C file
extern const char  anim[];
extern const char  anim1[];
unsigned char buffer[64];          // buffer for screen
unsigned char backbuffer[64];       // Spare screen for drawing on
char pow[8]={128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1};

void interrupt ISR()           // This just swaps the buffer to the display
   if(TMR2IF)               // Make sure its the timer interrupt.
     PORTB = 0;             // Clear old data first
     if(displayPointer == 0 )      // 1st frame..
       RC4 = 1;           // Data = 1 on the first clock only
     RC3 = 1;
     __delay_us(20);           // Clock the shift registers
     RC3 = 0;
     RC4 = 0;             // Make sure data stays low for the rest of the cycles
     PORTB = buffer[displayPointer];   // Move buffer row by row( 4 row sections per row )     
     if(++displayPointer==64)      // 32 LED row sections in total
       displayPointer = 0;       // Back to first row..
   TMR2IF = 0;               // Clear timer 2 interrupt flag

void pixel(signed char x,signed char y,int cond)
   int tmp;
   char pix,msk;
   if(x<0 || y<0) return;       // outside drawing limits negative
   if(x>31 || y>15) return;       // outside drawing limits positive
   tmp = (y << 2) + (x>>3);     // Linear position
   pix = x%8;             // pixel required
   pix = pow[ pix];
   msk = backbuffer[tmp];       // get exsisting data
   if(cond == 2)
     pix ^= msk;           // XOR data to screen
   if (cond == 1)
     pix = ~pix;
     pix &= msk;           // AND data to screen
   if(cond == 0)
     pix |= msk;           // OR data to screen
   backbuffer[tmp] = pix;       // apply changes

void charput(char ch, signed char x,signed char y)
   signed char x1, y1;         
   const char* addr2;         // pointer to character
   char disp;
   ch -= 0x20;             // characters starts a 0 not 0x20
   addr2 = &fnt[0];         // start of font array
   addr2 = addr2 + ((int)ch * 8);   // start place in font array
   for( y1=0;y1<8;y1++)       // eight rows
     disp = *addr2;
     for (x1 = 0; x1<8; x1++)   // eight pixels
       if(disp & pow[x1])
         pixel(x+x1,y+y1,0); // OR the pixel to the display buffer

void strput(const char* ch, signed char x,signed char y)
   int addr;
   while (*ch )
     charput(*ch++,x,y);       // write a string to the display buffer

void clr()
   int addr;
   for(addr=0;addr<64;addr++)         // Empty display buffer
     backbuffer[addr]= 0;

void Blit()
   int addr=0;
   GIE = 0;
   for(addr=0;addr < 64;addr ++)
     buffer[addr] = backbuffer[addr];   // put all data from display buffer
     }                   // to screen buffer
   GIE = 1;
void animation1(void)
   char x,y;
   const char* frame;             // pointer to frames
   for(x=0;x<14;x++)             // 14 frames in animation
     clr();                 // clears the display buffer
     frame = &anim1[0];           // start of frames
     frame += x*64;              // each frame is 64 bytes long
       backbuffer[y] = *frame++;     // Cycle through the animation
     Blit();                 // pass to screen buffer
     __delay_ms(350);           // time to view

void animation(void)
   char x,y;
   const char* frame;             // pointer to frames
   for(x=0;x<14;x++)             // 14 frames in animation
     clr();                 // clears the display buffer
     frame = &anim[0];           // start of frames
     frame += x*32;              // each frame is 32 bytes long
       backbuffer[y] = *frame++;     // Cycle through the animation
     Blit();                 // pass to screen buffer
     __delay_ms(150);           // time to view

void displaystring(void)         // this routine prints through the screen buffer
   {                   // moving one pixel at a time
   signed char x=32,y=0;         // I made these signed so I could print
   for(y = 0;y  < 96 ;y++)         // to nowhere so I could produce the scrolling effect
     clr();               // Clear the display buffer
     strput("HELLO WORLD!!",x--,4);   // adjust the scrolling string
     Blit();               // pass to screen buffer
     __delay_ms(100);           // time to view

void main(void)
   int sx,sy;
   int xdir=1, ydir=1;
   ADCON1 = 0x6;             // ALL digital
   T2CON = 0x1e;             // T2 on, 16:1 pre scale
   PR2 = 60;               // timer preload value ( equates to 1.4mS with 20mhz crystal)
   TMR2IE = 1;               // enable timer 2 interrupt
   PEIE = 1;               // enable peripheral interrupt
   GIE = 1;               // enableglobal interrupt
   TRISB = 0;               // Port B as output...
   TRISC = 0;               // Port C as ouput...
     sx += xdir; sy += ydir;     

     if(sx>27) xdir = -1;
     if(sy>12) ydir = -1;
     if(sx<0) xdir = 1;
     if(sy<0) ydir = 1;
   }   // End main

The schematics:--: Remember I don't have the resistors on the circuit as the simulation is too slow..
Each column needs a resistor to prevent LED or micro failure!!!


  • anim.c
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  • font.c
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  • anim1.c
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The code You need a font and both animation files.... I have included them at the end..
Before ISR i was suggesting to use direct data transfer to learn more basic
The 74hc164 i used serial in from uC parallel out to LEDs.
example :
RC.4=1; //CLOCK
RC.5=1; // DATA TO AB OF 74HC164


for(int r=0;r<8;r++){
for(int a=0;a<12;a++){
char t,n;
t=(n & b);

What is 323 registrr is this?
And i have google bidirectional shift register
Any shift register will do... I just don't want a latching feature as it is a constant update.. hence the screen / back buffers..
Bidirectional just means you can shift up or down... The 74hc595 can only shift one way, but can latch the output.. I know the 74ls323 has output enable but its normally used for parallel loading!!
This is a really poor vid I made a while back, but I used a load of 4094 cmos shift registers to drive a vacuum display.
I got the display much clearer than in the vid, lookout for the mess of wires.

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