LED driver identification


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This is on a PIR LED lamp.
I've had a couple of LEDs fail, and I've put other ones in their place, but I would like to cut down the current a bit.

There are two strings of LEDs, each of 14 LED assemblies, and each assembly is 5 or 6 LEDs in series. Each string runs from 230 V ac mains via a rectifier, smoothing capacitor and the IC in the picture. There is a smoothing capacitors and one of the ICs for each string.

I was hoping that there would be a current control resistor that I could increase to cut the current down, but I don't understand why there are two resistors for each IC.

I tried and failed to find the data sheet for the IC, and I didn't recognise the manufacturer's logo.

Has anyone got any idea on how to find the datasheet?
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