LED flashing only once

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New Member
I have got numerous 555 circuits for blinking LED's but when I build it it only blinks once or just shines the whole time not blinking what I want it to to here is a simple circuit I used, it may be my wiring that is just wrong if so can anyone please help me with it.
Your wiring appears random. Perhaps you should have a look at **broken link removed** (the second 50% duty cycle oscillator circuit may be what you're after; it's hard to tell), someone referred me to this page in the past.
i think there is some error in the circuit. Use resistance between pins 8 to 7 and 7 to 6 and a caparitor between 6 to gnd. the pin 5 should be grounded through .01 uF. make short the pins 2 and 6. Try with these modifications.
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