led ground effects for car

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Here's what we were discussing earlier.

Due to the difference in manfacturing of the LED's one led could draw more current than the others. so you need a seperate resistor for each LED (as shown in the "good design").
In my roof project, I had only one current limiting resistor for 20 LED's (60 total). there were quite a few that burned (about about 20 of them). I thought it could have been due to my poorly constructed circuit board, the soldering, or wiring. Now I think it's because of only having one resistor for 20 leds.

The advantage to the parallel set up is you can control each led individually, which is benificial for cool looking displays like the LED's in my roof.

I also included a picture of the series set up, but I dont have time to give an explination of it (I'm supposed to be working right now :wink: ).


  • led_ser_par.jpg
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  • led_ser_par2.jpg
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How bout u just get a couple ultrabright led's??? then u dont gotta worry about 100's of leds, maybe just 20 or so . . . so how bout it?

dangit, thats what i've been trying to say all along with 1 resistor per 4 LEDs. this is a common method of stringing up LEDs for computer case mods... tried and tested.

the most that will burn out in this case is one of the 4 LED blocks, which is maybe 2$ in components depending on the LEDs.
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