LED Help

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New Member
Allright, I am completely new here and in the world of electronics with very very little experience fixing simple electronics around the house. With that said I am looking to jump into what would be to me a very complicated project not knowing the least bit of what I should. I am a fast learner and can pick it up quick. I run a Reptile Resue and have gotten the permission from the Department of Natural Resorces to use a Red, Green and Amber light on my truck. I could go out and buy one, but like to learn new things so I have decided to build one. I would like it to look some something like the pic below with out the case of course. the Red and Green LEDs should alternate flash, the Amber LEDs I would like to make as directional arrows (e.g. right arrow light moves center to right, left arrow light moves center to left). Like I said I do not have any experience but will learn. I have the time as I am retired from the Marine Corps and the Rescue doesnt get a whole lot of bussiness these days (it only takes about 15min or so for someone to drop off a reptile). Any help would be great.

NOTE: Image E, replace Blue LEDs with Green


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I dont know much but I was thinking of using a breadboard to plug all the LEDs in but do not know how it works. I am doing my own research to learn about things as well.
We are not a free electronic circuit design website.
Instead, we like to talk about electronic circuits but you don't know anything about them.

Learn about electronic circuits and try a few things. Ask here if you have a problem with a circuit.
The trouble with your project might be more on how to make a proper weather proof enclosure that don't look too much like a hack rather than the electronic itself (which I'm quite sure can be handled by some arduino).
I have done a lot of reading today, and have decided to go ahead and just buy one. This would have been my first project and do not want to dump the money into it and not have it work, however I am still going to try and make some small less expensive things that if I break or skrew up I wont really have any loss. The reason I came here is to get a general knowledge of how to make a something as complicated as that strobe not to have someone design it for me. I will tinker around with stuff and learn by trial and error and out of a book instead of on here.
There have been alot of great projects on flashing LED's etc. Unfortunately, they roll off the page, and it's hard to find them after awhile. If you decide what you want to do, I'll try to walk you through it. I'm an old military man myself

PS: Don't be discouraged because some members suggest alternative solutions. We like to look at all the options before trying to design and build something. We'd rather use our time and effort to make something unique, and not something that is readily available. Just keep trying.
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i agree that we don't offer a design service and it is difficult to explain a circuit to the complete novice, but to flash the LEDs, you need to look at the 555 timer (available from most component stores). To get the strobing LEDs, look at a decade ripple counter.
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