led light flicker out of control

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shaun rowland

New Member
2 power supplies 1 ac line so simple like wiring a speaker lol ran line and ran parallel still no go led flickers however if i disconnect one of 2 neg wires from ballest and add it to other ballest neg wires light stops flicking and runs at half brightness then if i also connect the second power supplies neg wire to the other three viollah all bright no flicker all exited however if left together 4 negs light will start again without flickering im at aloss folks not a clue im fairly new to electricity all together is there something im missing or just bunk system would love to know appreciate any help and thank you
is there something im missing
Yes. Punctuation.

I would love to help but I don't understand the problem. Is the desired state of the LEDs on, or off? How many LEDs? How many power supplies? Are they intended to operate independently?
It would be helpful if you could post a picture or schematic of what you have done. By your description it would be difficult for anyone to help you.
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