Led Message controler

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Hello All.... I have an LED rolling Message board. Its consist of P16V51RD is the main controller.. also 74LS138, 74H595 na d24C64, HT1380 and 74LS138...

any one know aboout the 16x8 Led board

Thank you

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Here is a thread from EDA discussing similar project like yours.

Thank you absf.

Its is the same type of mine... I have the circuit, But I dont have the source.. I cant login the website you shared.. A Baned message will appeir when I log in... Any Idea to fix my problem?

Thank you again..
Not sure why you cant get into the link. May be you need to register in order to read that info.

May be you need to register in order to read that info.

I cant registered again with my IP... Its showing an error.

Can you do it me for a favor?

Can you sign in there and provide all attachement in that thread...?

Thanking You

Manoj Soorya
I cant see any attachment in that threads... its is difficult to view the attachment without login... If I login, it shows "

"You have been banned for the following reason:
Repeated Posting of Duplicate Threads and Posts

Date the ban will be lifted: Never"

You can upload the files to

Its is free. I hope you can help me..

Thank you absf...
Here's the post from Okada:



    33.2 KB · Views: 474
  • MMD (1).rar
    96.2 KB · Views: 420
Nice and thank you for sending this circuit for me.... I have the original diagram...

any hope to get the code for this schematic?
If you have the PCB, you can find a way to read the hex codes embedded inside. If the code is protected, I guess the only way is to do reverse engineering and write your own code that would make the circuit work as intended just like what Okada is doing.

Dont think this is a simple piece of job even for the experienced people here; me not included. I am just a hobbist like you...

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Thank you absf for your replay..... Its code is protected.. I try to read. So I now searching internet for that.. I think I can find one for the same, But I need more time...

I previously say that, "you can got anything from internet, but you can't get your Dad and Mom. But I now say, extend your time for searching extra five minute, you can also get them.."

I really Belive my words, I have many reason....many reson...

anyway thank you for your kind attenssion in my post and help........
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