Led music response necklace

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Scott S

New Member
I am trying to design a necklace that has leds that blink in response to music. I want the necklace to have roughly 20 leds, half blue half white. I want to power it with AA batteries and supply the music with a input from an mp3 player. Would cat5 ethernet cable be able to handle the voltage and current, or would speaker wire be a better bet ? How could i make a circut that i could incorporate into a necklace ? Also would is this going to be a big shock hazard if a little sweat comes incontact with it ?
Opinions and advice appreciated,
cat5 cable would be fine, but overkill. The fine wire used for ear buds is adequate.

If you're powered with a couple of AA cells, put the electronics with them and the mp3, not on the necklace. I would recommend putting the LEDs and wiring into a plastic tube for the necklace, with only one hole for the cord to escape.
I was thinking of using cat 5 because i'd need to wire the leds in parallel or parallel series, because of voltage limits. I also have a scrap piece on hand, so it just popped into my mind that unstead of using other wire and having to wrap it, i could use cat5. Then to make it look better i could use heat shrink a different color wrap on top.
Here is a simple Music-to-Colour circuit:
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The LED illuminates when the circuit detects a high amplitude waveform. It can be connected to a "Walkman" or mini radio with earphones. A second channel can be connected to produce a stereo effect. Circuit A consumes less current as the LED is off when no audio is detected. Circuit B pulses the LED brighter when audio is detected.
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20,000mcd white LEds are 5 cents each 20mcd orange LEDs are 10 for 2 cents. How many do you want?
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