You could just connect the whole second circuit in place of the LED and resistor in the first one.
Note that if the LDR light resistance is correct (66 ohms) you are putting far more current than required through the base of the transistor, something over 30mA which is a big, pointless, drain on the battery... Add another resistor in series to limit that.
Or, you could use a rather different circuit that has both functions already, as used in road warning lights:
The one I saw in bits used an LDR rather than a phototransistor, just try it with your LDR where the transistor is shown.
Use your LED and resistor in place of the filament lamp.
It should work on 3V, though it may need an extra resistor across the LED (eg. 10K) so the cap is pulled to 0V between flashes.
I believe the original version I saw was a delayed schmitt trigger circuit, with an R-C time constant included; if it was dark, the light switched on after a delay, if it was light (sunlight or the lamp itself), it switched off after a delay - thought it is over 40 years since I messed with that, so I could be wrong.