led question

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New Member
i have 3 leds on a circuit. each will light at different times and 1 2 or mayb 3 leds will be on at the same time. should i connect them all to 1 resistor or 1 resistor per led?
1 resistor per LED is the best solution, because with one resistor the intensity depend from the number of active LEDs.
thats what i have done, but the brightness of the other 2 still depend on the other led being conncted( e.g if all 3 are on and 1 is switched off, the other 2 get slightly brighter. also the 3rd led is off in 'day' more and on very dimly in 'night' mode

it is to be used in day and night conditions so i have a 560 resistor connected for day so it is brighter and a higher value for night so it is dimmer (idea is it cant be seen by a second person so i dont want it bright in the dark)
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