LED sign project pointers

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New Member
Greetings and thank you for reading my post.*

I have basic electronics experience and here is my question/need.*

I have a fair booth at my local small city fair and this year I realized I needed to create a new sign to being in attention to me.*

I would like to create a large sign using LEDs. This sign would have probably hundreds of LEDs with different colors.*

I know that different LED colors use different voltages.*With that said, I am not sure if I should run the different colors on separate circuits.

So what would I need to do to consider such a project? Do I need an LED driver or what?

Any suggestions, pointers etc. I really want and need such a sign.*

Kind Regards,

Kevin in Alaska
You may need an LED driver, possibly a controller too. It all depends on what you want your sign to do. If you just want it to light up without any type of animation all you need is a properly sized power supply and some resistors. you need to decide what you want from the sign considering your electronics experience and the amount of time you have to build it.
hi Kevin,
Long time no see.
Hope all your business ventures have come to fruition.

You can mix different colours of LED's if you connect them in series.

I would suggest you post an image of the LED display pattern that you are planning.
Well hello. I remember you! Wow! I admire your help in this forum. It is lucky to have you and others like you!

As far as a plan, I don't have any yet. I just know I want to make one.

I am not looking to make a dynamic block of LEDs that allow scrolling words. I am just looking to use the LEDs to make up a static set of fonts. Kind of like a 'Light Brite' toy. I might want some blinking or such and if so I might want to have a way of toggling it on and off.

Does this make sense? I hope so. It is not always easy to write these things using a phone keyboard.

Kind Regards,

Kevin in Alaska.
hi Kevin
Are you able to program PIC's.??, a PIC would be a good choice for the character patterns you want.

You could do it with discrete IC's but it would be crude and big....
Oh, I apologize.

Wouldnt the LEDs go out of sync with each other if. Especially noticeable if I am using a few hundred of them?

I guess I should state what I think the type of LED in which you speak of. Do these flashing LEDs you speak of phase on and off once a current is flowing through? I guessmyquestion was out of ignorance.
You can connect any number you like to. Just add a buffer if you want to. How may volts are you going to.
If you some to blink, just add a flashing LED with buffer.

I suggest you read post #4, how will he get this effect with an LED blinker.!

I am not looking to make a dynamic block of LEDs that allow scrolling words. I am just looking to use the LEDs to make up a static set of fonts
a simple method to actually build a large LED sign is use perforated hardboard sold in lumber supply stores. Like used for a shop to hang tools.
As I understand it you want to arrange the LEDs in soe lettered font style then have the letters randomly blink?
use the MS PAINT to design then post a description. Easier to see a pic than to just describe it.
post as a PNG file or JPEG.
I myself use google SKETCHUP to design various projects.
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