LED strobe with music?...

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New Member
Hey, I want to make a strobe that cant beat to music. As in, you plug a speaker cable into and it will flash with the more powerful pulses. I assume the strobe would require its own power suply, not runnig off the speaker power...

So how can I make this, I want it realy bright. I may use 16-72 LED's or upto 2 Luxeon LED stars, if they are brighter than 72 LED's... I don't know anything about the stars ie, voltage & current.

The main thing is the flashing with sound, although, I've never completed a flasher of more than 1 LED. I realy don't know what I'm doing here.

Thanks anyone who can help.
Google for color organ.
Here is a design that you could adapt to drive your LEDs. All you need to add is current limiting resistors when you replace the lamps with LEDs:
**broken link removed**

Hi Lamb,

You may input the speaker terminals to a BC548 transistor and connect your LED's on the collector with a current limiting resistor. Try with a 12v supply for connecting more LED's. You need just an LED driver for music inputs.

Which audio amplifier IC you are using in your project.
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