LED syncs to Music

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You can look at "led audio meter schematics" maybe you will find somthing that will help. Andy
The circuit you found with the TIP31 power transistor is an "Instructable". Most instructables are designed by people who know nothing about electronics.
I had enough parts to try JcLrd's schematic he kindly posted. Thanks. I didn't have the right size capacitors so I ended up substituting 100uF for 220uF and 33uF for 47uF. I don't have any 2N3904 transistors though, so I used TIP31C transistors instead. Its all I have :/ If it makes a difference I would go get some of those transistors though. Does it make a difference? The circuit worked as intended but only 1 LED was turned on out of the two.

If I wanted to amplify the signal further by using another transistor would it look something like this? (schematic is attached). Thanks again everyone.


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