Progress is being made. The board is actually boiling away right now.
My first experiment was a flop. I developed the firmware while powered by my PICkit 2. Lots of LED flashing as the user interface, but only a short flash each time a measurement was taken. Reasonably easy to control, with strong features to prevent losing stored data.
So of course the next step is to insert the special high temperature battery, vacuum-seal the board and get to boiling.
A couple hours later, after an hour of boiling and cooling down, I pulled out the board. Nothing happening. Pressed the reset switch and there was the tiniest glow of one LED, nothing from the other which should have been alternately flashing.
My first thought was the LEDs had been fried, but that's not the case. The battery was dead. A CR2032 is rated at 220mA-H, and the micro drew 3mA. The brief LED flash added 5mA* to that for a mS every 15 seconds. 3mA × 2 hours is about 6mA-H. What gives?
The other important parameter for batteries is the rated current draw. CR2032s have a recommended continuous current rating of less than 1mA. Oops. Back to the drawing board!
There aren't many battery types rated for 125°C. Changing the type of battery wasn't a practical option. So the option was to reduce current drain.
With the PIC18F parts, the watchdog timer(WDT) can run from an independent clock, and wake the micro periodically. Doing this I can cut the steady power drain way down, and have a short pulse of a 3mA current draw when data is being acquired. It wasn't too difficult to make changes to my code to do this.
This time, I tested with a standard CR2032 battery at room temperature to see if a test at temperature was even worthwhile. Instead of working for less than 15 minutes like my first test, the battery lasted for 4 hours and 44 minutes, taking a measurement every 16 seconds!
*I had brainfade on the LED resistors, thinking 5mA would be ok based on the mA-H rating of the battery.