lets all pull tpogether, and help me learn code!

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hello to all!,what i want to do is learn to code so i hope to start with something simple

is there a toturial, or would someone be so kind to do step by step for something like this:

wait 1
output 1
wait 1

thanks loads!

Check my tutorials!.
that onother thing, i dont know where to start. is basic the one that uses if commands? like

if input one is triggered do wait 1, do output 1, do wait 1, end, else do nothing
-=GST=- Nemisis (cs/cz) said:
that onother thing, i dont know where to start. is basic the one that uses if commands? like

if input one is triggered do wait 1, do output 1, do wait 1, end, else do nothing

You need to start with assembler, you can't use the other languages effectively without a reasonable knowledge of assembler. Assembler is also free! - which helps as well.
-=GST=- Nemisis (cs/cz) said:
what is assembler and where can i get it from?

Download MPLAB from MicroChip, MPASM (the MicroChip assembler) is part of the package.
Assembly language translates directly into machine language. Machine language is a string of bits that the processor understands and can execute directly. Machine language is specific to each type of processor - each processor has a different set of commands that it can execute. Assembly is a nice text based way to specify machine language commands. The assembler is a computer program that reads through your assembly file and translates the assembly into binary machine language.

Assembly is the most direct way to program microcontrollers; it tells the microcontroller exactly what to do (what instruction to run and what memory locations to read or write). Higher level languages like C or Basic separate you from specifying each instruction and memory location. High level laguages are 'compiled' into assembly language which is then assembled into binary machine code.
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