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LG's behaviour

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Well-Known Member
Logan has now left,it is unlikely in the extreme he will be back. He has asked for permanent ban, but before i explain why, i am going to try and explain a little about Logan and aspergers, hopefully this will give you a better understanding.

Autism is described on a spectrum, Aspergers is a form of Autism that itself has a spectrum. Autism ranges from the very high functioning very successful types, all the way down to the sit in a wheel chair and dribble all day types. People with Aspergers share common traits, but they are all individual and unique. Diagnosis can be a real nightmare, it is certainly a double edged sword. It can open some doors but close others, so when you have a high functioning child with Aspergers, its a hard decision to go official. My wife and i chose to get LG tested, and see if he could get help. He was unable to read or recognize letters until around 8 or9, when tested for maths his ability age 10 was lower than a 6 year olds. Our first contact with the educational psychologist wasnt very good, the person we first saw had a formula that they applied to everyone, a kind of cure all approach.
This often will not work with aspergers because each case while similar in parts is also totally unique.
So o give an insight into life with LG I will take you through a few things. LG reads non stop now, he has only been reading for a few years, many tried to teach him to read all failed, until one day during a doctors visit, the doctor caught Logan trying to peek at his file. What he doctor noticed was Logan was looking right to left. So armed with this we go back to the educational team, and relay the information. Withing a month he could read very well, all that was needed, was to understand Logan is wired to read right to left then flip it in his head, you can only tell the difference by getting him to read very fast out loud, on occasion he will slip with the flipping and read the word backwards and in the wrong place.
It also transpires that he reads numbers the same, for example in one test they give the child a 60 digit number and get them to repeat it, its akind of memory test, a good score for Logan is around 3-4 numbers correctly.
However give him a 60 digit number and he can repeat it in reverse order so fast and so accurately, they had to tape him so they could check it later.
What does this prove? Nothing except that his wiring is different. He also has been tested on the more general IQ scales, he score very high, on most over 160 points.
So, so far we have a very intelligent child that has back to front wiring, how does this manifest itself in the real world?
Well Logan is what they call logical path transcription, He see's no colour in a situation, he see's no grey. Logan is almost binary in the way he views and deals with life, he has a almost overdeveloped sense of right and wrong. But the complication is what we see as right and wrong isnt always what he see's. This is very difficult to explain, Generally we use rules to decide what is right and what is wrong, for most high function aspergers this is slightly different, first the rule has to make some kind of logical sense to them, if it does then it becomes there law, they will not deviate from it. Where you run into problems is if you have what they see as a rule/law and its applied differently or changes, then they cant cope, especially if the new version dosnt pass the logic test, I cant describe what happens or how it makes him, the only analogy i can think of is he becomes like a floating pin on a ic. He simply cant process it or understand it, confusion sets in and he becomes severely stressed.
To try and let people understand how this works I will relay the following storey.
About 2 years ago we parked badly outside a shop, i got a parking ticket. Logan didnt understand why i was 'told off' , so i explained all about parking rules ect. Every time we went out and parked somewhere he would ask if it was ok to park there and what the rule was, if i could explain that it was fine to park there all was well, even if i said no we cant really park here but i am anyway,he would except that. The problems came when on occasion you find yourself parked somewhere that you cant work out is ok or not, or to put it another way, a grey area!
He would become stressed, because to Logan you either are allowed to park here or your not he cant deal with it being a dont know. So for about 6 months he read and researched UK parking law for our county, he wrote to councils and road agencies asking wich roads had which rules for parking!
In short, in 6 months there wasnt a single road in devon he couldnt tell you exactly where and when you were not allowed to park there! we are talking thousands of roads.
Our life went back to normal, he used to tell me where i could and couldnt park.
Now for non uk people i will explain a parking rule that sometimes applies, under most situations, if you park somewhere you shouldn't, the parking officer or police are supposed to give you 5 mins grace before giving you a ticket. One day we were at a carpark opposite a supermarket, waiting for my wife to come out. Someone pulled up to the doors of the supermarket in a no parking zone, Logan noted the event and mentally logged the time, within a couple of minuets a parking attendant showed up and started writing a ticket! Logan instantly became furious! The guy had not given the driver 5 mins, apparently according to logan he was 2 mins too early! He saw this as grossly unfair and very very wrong, before i knew what was happening he was out of the car and running towards the traffic guy.
When i caught up with him he was yelling at the officer and quoting the rules, he wouldnt let the guy get near the car lol, now this guy was very well built and well over 6feet tall, it didnt matter to logan, all he saw was a huge injustice being done.
This kind of gets me to the point. Logan dosnt see grey, he works mainly on fair/unfair, if he see's things as fair all is well. If he see's something unfair, all hell breaks loose. How he arrives at the whole what is fair and what isnt fair thing, is sometimes very hard to work out, but there is always perfect logic behind it once you know what the reasons are.
So anyway, he is leaving ETO, he refuses point blank to talk to me about it. He wants to be banned, now the reason for this may not make sense to you,
but to Logan it makes perfect sense. What worries him (and he is really very concerned about it) is that if he leaves, and someone sends him a pm, he wont know and wont answer it obviously. This is very rude to him and he cant stand that, so his Logic goes as follows, if he is banned then people wont/cant pm him, he wont have messages to worry about, therefore he wont be rude by not answering them.
I have pointed out that he can set his account so only people he follows can pm him, but he wont do this, to him that means making some people more special than others! (see what i mean about it being complex!).
So if EM does ban him like Logan has asked him to, then please dont think he was banned for a reason, its simply to stop Logan stressing over his account!
So what some see as rude and bad behavior over Billy, was actually a stress response to a situation he had no way of comprehending.
Jason, I have a stepson (met him at age 10 and he is now 47) who could be a clone of Logan. I am utterly sympathetic to Logan's world view and his (your) coping options.

Obviously, it's his decision to make about leaving ETO.

For my part, though, I feel that it's a serious lose to our little community. Logan's myriad contributions have enlivened this forum as none other (since I joined, anyway) and while his "telling it like it is" episodes have given me pause, I simply could not find fault with the gist of his post(s). And, frankly, many amused me to the point of blowing snot.

We all have to make continous adjustments to our understanding of others, but not to the degree that we be become the others (a very sad trend in my country at the moment). Our differences are the very spice that make this world interesting and, more often than not, fun.

Notably, of late, Logan has been the canary in the mine for ETO, noting noxious fumes and alerting the rest of us of them. That's a significant plus.

And I feel that Logan "likes" ETO and has a deep and fond appreciation for the technical absolutism that electronics provides. There are few (if any) technical "grey" areas and he, obviously, likes that, as do I. My stepson found this in coding. His work led to dozens of patents (through IBM and DELL).

I have learned from my stepson that there are special attributes imparted to special people in this world that benefit us all, however "out of the norm" they may be.

I, for one, embrace those attributes and appreciate the profound contribution that it is. I hope, at the very least, that you might find the time to keep us abreast of Logan's accomplishments and discoveries. I'm convinced it will be a marvelous read...

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I am afraid its likely i will only be here until his account is closed, and i have sorted a couple of things out. i havnt given it too much thought but its unlikely i will hang around watching things get worse. i dont do much with electronics these days and with LG gone there is little point being here

all the best paul ;)

you can always catch me on skype or LG as he uses my skype
Please let Logan stay.

He is very bright, smarter than many of the adults here (definitely smarter than me) and seems to learn very fast and well.

Surely we can all be a little forgiving of the posts where Logan tells it as he sees it (which is often as it actually is)

I like blunt.

If loosewire can be given free reign on the AAC forum (as he should be IMHO), then surely there is room for Logan on this forum.

Or do I not understand?
it isnt upto me! i dont have a problem with him staying. He dosnt want to be here, there is nothing i can do about that
LOL Ian he didnt mind the que thing at all, he saw it as fair, and to LG fair is all that really matters
I can relate to Logan rather well. What you describe is very similar to how I viewed things as a kid and still do today however I have greatly expanded on my right wrong rule sets to allow for more grey areas to fit in most cases.

Still outwrite wrongs and abuse of power without logical definition for them never sit well with me and never will. Same with highly irrational illogical and emotion driven reasoning like what my wife pushes all day long due to her present neurochemical imbalance issues plus obviously miswired brain. :p

Sorry he want to leave here but then I see he is over at AAC so I don;t see it as any great loss. He just found a different clubhouse to go to now.
I have talked to him quite a bit on here and will miss him and you too for that matter.
Maybe I will run into you guys on another site.
Say buy for me.
I am going to miss that kid. Just something about his enthusiasm I admired since day one. Maybe he reminded me of myself so many years ago. Like tcmtech over the years I also had to expand my right wrong and include the gray zones I never quite accepted when I was younger.

So what some see as rude and bad behavior over Billy, was actually a stress response to a situation he had no way of comprehending.

Uh, I can relate to that, very well in fact. :)

Anyway, I wish you and Logan all the best. I sincerely admire that kid and he will be missed. My hope is that he continues to grow be it in electronics or anything that he enjoys.

thank you, because of his nature he will stick with electronics, at the moment he is fascinated with radio, but from the electronics side of things, i expect he will bounce around a few forums before he settles again
all the best
Best wishes to you both. The pair of you have made great contributions to this site and will be missed.
BTW Jason if you are still around to read this, I think your parking analogy explains alot.
I was thinking this morning that I have been like that in some ways.
I just hope Logan never run's into a situation where he cant find the answers he needs.
I would be concerned about how he would take it.
Good luck to you both and hope to run into you guys somewhere on the web.
BTW Jason if you are still around to read this, I think your parking analogy explains alot.
I was thinking this morning that I have been like that in some ways.
I just hope Logan never run's into a situation where he cant find the answers he needs.
I would be concerned about how he would take it.
Good luck to you both and hope to run into you guys somewhere on the web.
There are occasions that happens, often at school, we have had situations where he has stood up in a morning assembly, nearly 400 children in there and he walked upto the headmaster and told him off!
He is however a very loving and rewarding child, its a real honor and pleasure being his parent, everything he does he does with passion, or he simply dosnt do it! I dont think he will ever lose that trait, it is too much a part of who he is, for most of us we get fed up wit repetitive tasks, boredom sets in. Logan dosnt have that, if he does something he always manages to find an element in it he enjoys.
It was a difficult choice to tell everyone of his disabillity, but at least now some may understand him better
It has been suggested that I had aspbergers, 20 years ago now, if I do or did then its not as bad as Lg's, however having read your post a lot of it makes sense, maybe for now removing lg's account is a good idea, maybe he'll come round eventually.
My wife understands too, she works with people with special needs, some are as you mentioned wheelchair dribbling types, some afflictions are terrible.
Some of the most famous scientists had some major personality disorders, doesnt stop you from living.
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