Li-poly batteries online store suggestion

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New Member
Hello, can i ask where can I buy Li-Poly batteries with charger at a reasonable price? I really need to power 2 motors. I am using 1/16 tank. Thank you in advance for your suggestions
I buy American Thunder-Power Li-Po batteries from my local hobby store. They work very well and for many charge-discharge cycles. They are 4th-Generation.
All or most other Li-po batteries are older 3rd-Generation that fail after not many charge-discharge cycles.
My friend buys Chinese Turnigy Li-Po batteries from HobbyKing online. They cost almost nothing but are very poor quality.
I've used Turnigy Li-Po batteries from Hobbyking, and had lots of success with them.

After ~100 cycles, all of my packs are still above their rated capacity, and all the cells are still matched well. I balance them on every charge as a precaution, and don't run them down below 3.2v/cell - keep good care of them, and they'll do a very good job.
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