lightgates and timers

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New Member
We are asked to use lightgates and timers in our design questions at school.

i understand that lightgates and timers works in this way: when an object cuts the beam a timer starts and when the beam reforms the timer stops.

but it seems that there is also another way in which lightgates can work. can you explain?
for instance,if timer 1 and timer 2 are connected to photocell 1 and timers 2 and 3 are connected to photocell 2 at the same time, when object cuts the lightbeam from lightgate 1 a timer starts and it stops when beam reforms. at the same instant timer 2 starts and stops when beam from lightgate 2 breaks. when beam from lightgate 2 breaks timer 3 also starts and it stops when beam reforms. how is this so?

lightgate 1 lightgate 2

photocell 1 photocell 2

timer 1 timer 2 timer 3
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Is this what you mean.?


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