Maxwell's theory is based on a ether, composed of matter.
"If we adopt either Fresnel's or Maccullagh's form of the undulatory theory, half of this energy is in the form of potential energy, due to the distortion of elementary portions of the medium, and half in the form of kinetic energy, due to the motion of the medium. We must therefore regard the aether as possessing elasticity similar to that of a solid body, and also as having a finite density." (Maxwell, Part XCVII, p. 767).
Also, Einstein (1917) justifies the existence of the ether, composed of matter. If I am the mistaken. I could be mistaken. The wave theory of light is based on an ether composed of matter which is a fact and Maxwell's theory is a wave theory. Furthermore, modern physics is a wave theory that is based on Maxwell's theory (gauge). I could be mistaken. However, everything that is stated is a verifiable fact that I can miraculously confirm. The time-space was so gratifying.