Limit 7-seg electronic dice from 0-9 to 1-6

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New Member
Hi everyone, new here so sorry if this is a noobish question (Tried using search but didn't find anything that was done with the same ICs).

For the clock I'm using a NE555 IC that is connected to a 4510 BCD counter which is connected to a 4511 that drives the 7-segment display.

So the problem is that I don't know how to change the '0' to '6' on the 4510 counter.

C    B    A    Output
0    0    0    0
0    0    1    1
0    1    0    2
0    1    1    3
1    0    0    4
1    0    1    5
1    1    0    6

So anyone wiser than me care to tell how I can change the 000 to 110
and how to reset the chip so that it won't count to 6 (110).
So basically it counts to 0-5 and converts the 0 to 6.

If there's an easier way to do this please tell, this is just something I came up with.


You need to detect the 7's count ie: 111.
You could use a 3 input AND gate for the 7 detect and use its output to reset the 4510, or diodes and a resistor. OK.?

would a quick sketch help.???
As you dont want '0', use the 7's pulse to P/L the count of '1' intothe 4510
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You need to detect the 7's count ie: 111.
You could use a 3 input AND gate for the 7 detect and use its output to reset the 4510, or diodes and a resistor. OK.?

Hmm, but then how should I do the skip from 0 to 1, because with that setup it would count from 0-6 and I'd like 1-6 like a regular dice
I will post a quick diagram.

Can you follow this circuit OK.
You need the 3 diodes, a 10k and 10nF or 22nF cap.

Connect the parallel inputs as shown so that a '1' is loaded.


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