line follower requirement!

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New Member
Hi every one.
I am trying to build a line follower robot but I dont know wath kind of sensor would be usfull, light sensor or IR one.
please help me on this topic.
falleafd said:
For line tracker, IR is commonly used, but I used red light led, and found it better than IR.

Do you have a complete design for the line follower robot, I mean the circuit layout and the firmware and a complete details for the components.

Thanks inadvance
Sorry, I lost all my data as I quitted uni, and I don't know where to find it. But the fact that I just replace IR led and IR receiver by red led and phototransitos. I built it as indentically as many other IR transceivers.

falleafd, why do you find that Red is better than IR ? Is it simply for troubleshooting because you can see it ?
Red led is stronger than IR, and it can easily receive by phototransistors. You can put xmit and rx package of Red led + transistor outdoor, and you still receive good signal. But with IR transceiver, it may cause some noises. You may do experiments to see that.
please read!

it was yesterday that I could find this great website.
you know?!
I am going to make a line follower robot and after seraching this topic in internet, i found this useful weblog.
i think i need to your help.
my friends!
in this site we have many expert in electronics. plz help us to enter this world with your ideas.
I am waiting for your messages about line follower robots.
ive made a line follower. no programing at all. it was for my year ten project. i wish i had skills and resources at the start so i could program it. neways, i used a simple ir detector/emmiter. the hardest part of line following is the ambient light hanging around the sensors.
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