Line Follower Sensor Set-up

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New Member
Just wanna ask if the V type of sensor is effective in a 90 degree curve because my line follower always overshoot every time it encounter a curve line. Im only using 3 sensors left,center,right in a horizontal formation . How can i make that my robot will always be in the center when it is in straight line.
"How can i make that my robot will always be in the center when it is in straight line."

I don't quite understand this, and how it connects to the rest of your question, but...

If your robot is overshooting the line, simply tell it to turn more sharply. Adjust the code if you are using an MCU. I used a straight line arrangement and it worked fine.

If your sensors show this-

011- you will know you are hitting a 90 degree angle.

If your sensors show this-

001- you will know it is not as sharp a line.

Three sensors are limiting though. Try five.
I'm in the middle of that right now. Look here to see what I've done.

**broken link removed**

My in-line 8 sensor array is complete and tested. I'll be making a 7-element "V" array next, then doing testing on the "V" to detect 90 degree and greater than 90 degree turns, and 90 intersections.

As I go along, you can keep up at or I'll also post here as I discover more answers.
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