line tracking robot.....

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New Member
i'm new here.....
and i'm doing line tracking robot project with my friends.....
please gve some advice for me.....
i'm really2 a beginner in this kind of things.....
thank you.....
what advice you neeD? use servo motors, use red superbright leds and LDR's. use pic or AVR to control all this and program in basic or C.
actually i'm kinda confise abut the circuit for the sensor.....
can you post picture of circuit for sensor in line follower robot ???
you position both facing the ground. so the LED light mirrors/bounces from the ground and more light mirrors from withe and less from black
here's the schematic:


  • schem_197.jpg
    7.9 KB · Views: 2,172
is it that simple ???
when i look the one i get from a website it looks more complicated.....
what schematic would you use then? this schematic is working for me and i don't see why i whould use another one. only thing is that LDR's must be exactly the same.
whenyou have small motors (like 1A) then i suggest using chip ones. when motors are bigger then you have to make one your own. if smaller than it is still cheaper and much-much easyer to buy a chip to o the job. some even have PWM to control the speed of the motor.
ir sensor

see the circuit enclosed - it is an ir sensor 38 k modulated
it may help


  • efy-5110-proximity-detector.pdf
    57 KB · Views: 575
using 6 sensor to track the line and 2 H-bridge to drive motor
You can make a simple robot .You can align 6 sensor to follow the line .
It is not very diffcult I've just finished it.
if you have finished it, send us some pics of it. and schem etc (email it to me if oyu dont want to make it so public. i'm just interested. dont worry, i wont build this my own as a school project or something else... i have my own bots.
may advice in 2 words:

1-use a microcontroller, it may be a litle tought in the begining, but once you get used to it, it will make things sooo much easier..

2-use a motor driver chip like the L293D. will save you lot of trouble.

if you want to build an orriginal line detector yourself, here is a simple, undertandable principle on working with IR here:
**broken link removed**

good luck
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