Linear regulator design

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New Member

I would like to design a linear voltage regulator with resistors, capacitors, transistors (preferably BC548), diodes, comparators and op-amps (preferably LM741) (voltage regulators may not be used).
The linear regulator must generate a stable voltage of Vout = 3V +- 10% and must be able to supply an output current of at least Iout = 80mA.
The input to the regulator is DC voltage of suitable value.
Optional: minimising drop out voltage.
You should post homework questions in the homework section. Here is an example of a regulator using diodes, transistors, res. etc. **broken link removed**

Here's another: Op-Amp Based Linear Regulators

The simplest uses a single resistor, zener and a transitor as an emitter-follower. Perhaps that is what you should start with.
Thanks for the reply, this gives me a start. =)

and sorry for posting in the wrong section, will keep it in mind next time!

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