Linear Technologies FilterCAD

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schmitt trigger

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There are many free analog filter design software.
Of those, LT's FilterCAD was one of the better ones, with significant features, user control, and simple to understand approach.

It has been a while since I had last used it, and last week I required to design a 4th order filter.

Since I've upgraded both my work and home computers, and no longer have it installed in either, I decided to re-install it.

Well, the installation failed on both. The computers are significantly different, and are running on different operating systems, W7 and W10.

The installation failure occurs when the self-extracting zip utility, asks to select which folder to extract the FilterCad files. An error message appears.

Has anyone experienced the same issue?

BTW; I do know that TI, Microchip, Analog and others do offer free filter design utilities. I have used them.

But I miss FilterCAD.
Although the TS is aware of the Analog Devices calculator, he might be interested to know (personal communication with an engineer at AD) that it is based very strongly on an excellent text by Rolf Schaumann and Mac Van Valkenburg ( ). Sure, the formulas are pretty standard, but to me, being able to read a detailed discussion was an advantage.

That text is at least as readable as Horowitz and Hill, 2nd edition. It is out of print but is available in hard copy at quite reasonable prices. My copy in new condition was $10.

I know that Analog Devices acquired Linear Technologies.
AD's Filter wizard software looks in some instances similar to the older FilterCAD.

Perhaps that is the reason FilterCAD has been deprecated?

As a matter of fact, some of the solutions suggest the use of LT opamps:

Would that be the same Van Valkenburg of the famous Basic Electronics Volumes 1 - 5, coauthored with Nooger and Neville?
What error message appears? It may just be a permissions problem.
Thanks for the prompt response.
You are correct, it could be a permissions problem.

What happens, as shown in the screenshot below, when I click on the SETUP.EXE file, it will ask for my permissions to install, to which I click YES, yet it will not install anything.

This sounds like a case of Windows trying to protect you from yourself. New versions of Windows restrict which directories you may write into. There is also the probability that it's trying to write into the /programs/ directory, which doesn't exist any more.

Open SETUP.INI to see if it includes a path to where the files will be installed. Take a look in this file as a starting point.
Right problem. Wrong solution.

When it asks for the install directory, specify c:/filtercad or some easy to locate directory.

Open the directory you specified after the extract is complete. You'll see a file that says "Click Here to Complete Installation"

Click it, and you'll see a list of files.

Right click SETUP.EXE and the menu box will pop up. Click "Run as administrator"

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