LM 567 .........working?...urgnt

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New Member
Hi, am dong a project which involves detection of 40khz ultrasound(ultra sonic range meter) using lm 567...d problem is dat it does n't work properly..even the fo is not getting..please help me..here s d schematic explanation..R1=2.27K(4.7K POT)&C1=.01MFD(TUNING PART).........0.01MFD to pin2..0.1mfd to pin 1...+5v to pin4
Accroding to your calculations (if we used the same diagram) then the frequency will be 41.322 Hz not kHz

Look at this site:
LM567 Tone Decoder Calculator

Another thing, if I remember correctly the bandwidth should be below 10%.
Yours is 23.540 %
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