LM35 Code

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heh glad to see its of some help and remember if you get lost there are tons of people who can help you
your welcome

Good job.

Attached is my effort at documenting the rising?? world temperature, LOL.

I may re-program to reflect the tenths portion, but the accuracy, as measured by the Oregon Scientific temp-hygrometer shown, is pretty good. Tested with a hair-dryer to 101 degrees, and consistently measured mid 50's in an unheated garage yesterday.


  • P1010003_edited.GIF
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hi. for the temperature sensor which uses lm35, can i use pic 18f4520 instead of i8f4620?

and im using mplab ide v7.6. when i compile yor code, it shows some errors in the line #include "lcd.h". what could be the problem here..?

i've seen some of your video and its pretty cool!!

Hey thanks Atom for the code. There is this one little tiny problem, the Farenheit scale doesn't quite show proper values when temp raises to more than 50C
ask...i am quite new....

isn't this code can be apply by using PIC16f877A.....

isn't ok to change include pic18... to pic16f877a in the beginning??

hope for ur respornd
isn't this code can be apply by using PIC16f877A.....

isn't ok to change include pic18... to pic16f877a in the beginning??

hope for ur respornd

I dont think so, the code written by AtomSoft is for C18 compiler and PIC16 doesn't understand the compiler C18.

However you can try to change the syntax to match the compiler you use (maybe HI-Tech C) and try it.
hey sorry i cant really help right now but if you give me a couple days ill see what i can do...
AtomSoft, is it hard to modify your project, removing the lcd and adding display (2 digits)?

Thanks for sharing your work!
AtomSoft, the code doesn't give proper values for temperature greater than 50C (>100F) and also -ve values of Centigrade. Any idea how to fix this ?
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